Getting Started
Lunar V2 is an AI aimbot / AI aim assist for KBM and controller. It uses yolov8 through yolov11. You can purchase Lunar V2 here.
Watch this video on How to Install Lunar V2.
Creating Your Account and Downloading Lunar V2
There are two places you can create an account from. The "Thank You" page and your Email.
To create your account from the "Thank You" page, simply click "Create Account".

You will be redirected to the signup page where you can create an account.

After signing up, you will be redirected back to the home page. Click on the account icon in the top right and select "Account".

You will see your account info on the first tab, and purchased downloads on the second tab.

These are the configuration settings within the Lunar V2 UI.
Options | Description | Default |
Sensitivity | Sets the speed of the mouse movement. (Varies depending on in-game sens) | 0.3 |
Delay | The amount of time in between each iteration of the main loop. - The higher the delay, the smoother the aimbot. | 0.001 |
FOV | The size of the detection area. - The aimbot will only target players within this box. | 350 |
AI Confidence | How confident the AI needs to be before recognizing the object as a target. | 0.70 |
Pixel Increment | The amount of pixels moved per iteration. 1 is the "smoothest" | 1 |
Strength | Determines how strong the aimbot is. - 100% being normal; 1% being like aim assist. You can also change this above 100%. | 80% |
Aim Height | Where the aimbot positions the crosshair on the target. 0 being the bottom of the target, and 100 being the top. | 20 |
Triggerbot Threshold | The triggerbot normally shoots if the crosshair is anywhere on the target. This acts as padding to basically increase the size of the target. | 5 |
Max Detections | Limits the amount of detections the AI is allowed to output. | 5 |
Screen Resolution | Use this if you have a different screen resolution than what is detected in the top left of the UI. | 1920,1080 |
Use Strength Percentage | Toggle strength percentage. - Dynamically sets pixel increment based on crosshair distance. | true |
Show FOV Overlay | Toggle to show crosshair/detection box visual overlay. | false |
Show Lunar Vision | Toggle to show window of what the AI is capturing, along with FPS. | false |
Show Detections | Draws boxes around detected targets within the FOV. - Show overlay needs to be enabled. | false |
Use Custom Resolution | Toggle for using custom resolution. | false |
Use TriggerBot | Toggle for triggerbot. | false |
Collect Images | Saves screenshots (size of the FOV) to the "data" folder. - For manual training. | false |
Yolo Version | Version of Yolo being utilized. | YoloV8 |
This video helps explain the settings:
Common Issues
pip is not recognized as an internal or external command
One of the most common is incorrect Python installation.
Make sure you only have ONE python version installed.
Make sure the version of python you have is 3.10.5
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named < package name here >
This error just means you are missing a package. To fix this, install the package via:
pip install < name of the missing package here >
[!] CUDA ACCELERATION IS UNAVAILABLE [!] Check your PyTorch installation, else performance will be poor
This could be one of many things:
- Wrong Python Version
- Cuda Toolkit install Needed
- Nvidia Drivers Update
After changing any of these, uninstall and reinstall the requirements.
AttributeError: 'BetterCam' object has no attribute 'is_capturing'
For Lunar V2, you can fix this by enabling MSS in the config.json - will lower FPS
The best way to fix this:
Navigate to your Graphics Settings.

Select Browse.

Find and select python.exe (not the installer)

Select options.

Select power saving.

ImportError: DLL load failed while importing pyarmor_runtime: The specified module could not be found
This is caused by having a different python version than that of which was used to obfuscate the script (via pyarmor).
For Lunar V2, it is highly recommended to use Python 3.10.5 to avoid any issues.